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My current work is focused on using movement of fishes to answer a wide array of research questions related to invasion ecology and fish management.  I am always interested in new research collaborations so please feel free to contact me.


Current Graduate Students


Kassidy Frame

South Dakota State University (MS)

Kassidy is from Black Earth, WI and has a B.S. in Biology: Environmental Science Concentration from University of Wisconsin, La Crosse (’24). Kassidy’s research is the use of an ecological model to assess control strategies of invasive bigheaded carp in the Mississippi River.


Aysah Dondlinger

South Dakota State University (MS)

Aysah is from Fort Dodge, IA and holds a B.S. in Animal Ecology from Iowa State University ('24). Aysah's research focuses on young and novice angler use and satisfaction of South Dakota urban and community fisheries. 

Co-advised with Dr. Steve Chipps



Logan Zebro

South Dakota State University (PhD)

Logan is from Shell Lake, WI and received his B.S. from South Dakota State University in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences (‘22) and his M.S. from the University of Nebraska at Kearney (‘24). Logan’s Ph.D. research is studying fish movement using acoustic telemetry data to inform the management of native and invasive species in large river systems.


Hannah Mulligan

South Dakota State University (PhD)

Hannah is from Charleston, SC, and obtained her B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from Clemson University (’21) and her M.S.  at South Dakota State University ('23). Hannah’s Ph.D. research is focused population dynamics and human-mediated spread of aquatic invasive species. 



Benjamin J. Schall

South Dakota State University (PhD)

BJ holds a BS from SDSU ('11) in History with a teaching certification and a MS in Biology from UN - Kearney ('16). BJ's research is evaluating the effects of water level fluctuations on fish populations in eastern South Dakota tributaries to the Missouri River. Focal species include Channel and Flathead catfish, Blue Suckers, and Silver Carp. BJ also currently works for SD Game, Fish, and Parks.

With Dr. Steve Chipps

Katie Bearden

South Dakota State University (MS)

Katie is from Laramie, WY and has a BS in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and Management ('21). Katie's research focuses on Paddlefish and Walleye movement in the Mississippi River and Lake Oahe, respectively. Specifically, I am using acoustic telemetry data within a multi-state model framework to determine the probability of movement and survival of individual fish.


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Maddy Siller

South Dakota State University (MS)

Maddy is from Hutchinson, KS and has a B.S. in Wildlife, Fisheries, Conservation, and Environmental Biology from Kansas State University ('22). Maddy's research examines changes in fish communities related to climate change.

With Dr. Steve Chipps & Dr. David Coulter

Kelsey Crowley

South Dakota State University (MS)

Kelsey is from Peoria, IL and has a BS from Union University in Zoology ('23). Kelsey's research focuses on creating habitat suitability models for endangered and threatened freshwater mussels by using host fish distribution data. The habitat suitability models will be used by agencies in SD, WY, and NE to propagate and survey mussels. 

With Dr. Chris Cheek

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Tanya Fendler

Southern Illinois University (PhD)

Tanya is conducting experiments to investigate the impacts of invasive species on native ecosystems.

With Dr. Jim Garvey and Dr. Dave Coulter

Current Undergraduate Researchers


Alexandra Johnson

South Dakota State University (BS)

Alexandra is an undergraduate wildlife and fisheries sciences major from Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. She is researching if bighead and silver carp body shape can determine hybrid type using geometric morphometric analysis techniques. 


Kaden Ball

South Dakota State University (BS)

Kaden Ball is an undergraduate Wildlife and Fisheries Science major from Cedar Falls, IA. Kaden's research focuses on fish bioenergetics and how climate change affects the range and growth of cool and warm water fish.



Sarah Hayden

South Dakota State University (BS)

Sarah is an undergraduate wildlife and fisheries science major from Aberdeen, SD. Her research looks at potential causes of walleye movement in response to variations in water level in Lake Kampeska.


Past Postdocs

Peter Pfaff

Peter’s project focuses on modeling inter-basin connectivity during flooding that could facilitate the dispersal of invasive species. Peter is now faculty at St. Mary's University

With Dr. David Coulter



Past Graduate Students

Riley Mounsdon

South Dakota State University (MS)

Riley is from Osakis, MN and has a B.S. from SDSU in Natural Resource Law Enforcement, Wildlife and Fisheries Science, and Ecology and Environmental Science ('22). Riley's research looks at how managers use fish stocking in South Dakota as well as typifying South Dakota anglers and how they respond to stocking through their license sale purchases. Riley is working to create a framework to assist SDGFP and possibly other agencies with the stocking decision making process. 



Jake Bowman

Southern Illinois University (MS)

Jake is now a PhD student at University of Idaho.

Jake's research examines the influence of invasive fish excretion on native aquatic communities.

With Dr. Jim Garvey and Dr. Dave Coulter


Logan Cutler

South Dakota State University (MS)

Logan now works for Wisconsin DNR.

Logan is from Neenah, WI and holds a BS in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences with Biology and Soil Science minors and a Wetlands certificate from University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point ('21). Logan is researching Walleye use of wetland habitat in Lake Kampeska, SD by collecting diet samples, assessing prey fish communities, and tracking walleye movements between the lake and its wetlands. These data will be used in a bioenergetic framework to assess the energetic importance of these wetlands to adult Walleye in the system.



Miriam Moreno

South Dakota State University (MS)

Miriam is from Yuma, Arizona, and obtained her B.S. in Biology with a concentration in Evolution, Ecological, and Organism Biology ('22). Her research uses ecosystem modeling to illustrate the ecological impacts of bigheaded carp removal. Future implications of this research will help influence bigheaded carp's management decisions. Miriam's research interests include ecology, invasive species, conservation, and management.

With Dr. Steve Chipps & Dr. Richie Erickson

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Taylor Mongavero

Southern Illinois University (MS 2023)

Taylor's work examines movement patterns of Silver Carp and how this relates to individual condition and morphometrics.

With Dr. Jim Garvey and Dr. Dave Coulter


Andrew Wieland

Southern Illinois University (MS)

Andrew used telemetry data to estimate mortality rates of invasive Silver Carp in areas where they experience contracted removal, commercial harvest, and no harvest or removal. Andrew is currently employed by Illinois Natural History Survey. 

With Dr. Jim Garvey & Dr. Dave Coulter


Jen-Luc Abeln

Southern Illinois University (MS 2019)

Jen-Luc's research explored the use of lateral habitats by invasive Silver Carp. Jen-Luc currently works for US Fish and Wildlife Service.

With Dr. Greg Whitledge


Justin Kolwaski 

Southern Illinois University (MS 2022)

Justin's work explored how invasive fishes have altered foodwebs along an invasion gradient in the Ohio River. Justin is a PhD student at Auburn University.

With Dr. Jim Garvey and Dr. Dave Coulter

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Alex Catalano

Southern Illinois University (MS 2021)

Alex's project explored the movement and habitat use of two invasive species. Alex is currently employed by US Army Corp of Engineers. 

With Dr. Jim Garvey


Hudman Evans, Jr.

Southern Illinois University (MS 2020)

Hudman's research quantifies diet and isotopic niche overlap among invasive Black Carp and native fishes in the Mississippi River Basin. Hudman currently works for Arizona Game and Fish Department.

With Dr. Greg Whitledge


Elizabeth Tristano

Southern Illinois University (PhD 2018)

Elizabeth's research answers questions about how native foodwebs were influenced by invasive species. Elizabeth is an Assistant Professor at Ohio Northern University.

With Dr. Jim Garvey

Read Elizabeth's paper here - Tristano et al. 2019

Matt Lubejko

Southern Illinois University (MS 2017)

Matt's research examined environmental conditions related to invasive fish dam passage. Matt currently works for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

With Dr. Jim Garvey

Read Matt's paper here - Lubejko et al. 2017

Past Undergraduate Researchers

Lauren Allex

South Dakota State University (BS)

Lauren is from Danube, MN.  Lauren's research is examining isotopic niche and diet overlap among three sport fish across different seasons and habitats.



Jack Niedringhaus

South Dakota State University (BS 2022)

Jack's research looked at the temporal variability in size and condition of migrating Chinook Salmon in the Nushagak River, AK.  Jack currently works as a fishing and hunting guide in Alaska.

Alexis Gerber

South Dakota State University (BS 2023)

Hi, my name is Lexi Gerber. I am a senior Wildlife and Fisheries Science major from Cottage Grove, Minnesota. At the beginning of the fall semester, I had the opportunity to conduct an undergraduate research project.  I created an angler survey that focused on angler bait use, bait disposal, and angler knowledge of invasive carp species around Gavin's Point Dam in Yankton, South Dakota. Lexi currently works for SD Game, Fish and Parks.


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Allison Lenaerts

Purdue University (B.S. 2017) W M.S. 2019)

Allison's undergraduate research explored egg size variation in Silver Carp. She currently works for Illinois Natural History Survey.

With Dr. Reuben Goforth

Read Allison's papers here - Lenaerts et al. 2015; 

Lenaerts et al. 2021a; Lenaerts et al. 2021b; Lenaerts et al. 2021c

Austin Prechtel

Purdue University (B.S. 2017, M.S. 2019)

Austin's research examined the behavioral tendencies of invasive Silver Carp and related results to management.

With Dr. Reuben Goforth

Read Austin's paper - Prechtel et al. 2017


 This is an Unofficial Website, which does not represent official views or opinions of any University that I have been affiliated with during my academic career.

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