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(*undergraduate student; †graduate student)


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Mulligan, H†, BJ Schall†, T Davis, AA Coulter. 2023. Opportunities for Regional Collaboration and Prevention: Assessing the Risk of the Live Bait Trade as a Pathway of Invasive Species. Biological Conservation 287: 110342.


Kallis, JL, RA Erickson, DP Coulter, AA Coulter, JE Garvey, M Brey, M Catalano, JM Detmers, K Irons, E Marschall, K Rose, M Wildhaber, DC Glover. 2023. Incorporating metapopulation dynamics to inform invasive species management: Evaluating bighead and silver carp control strategies in the Illinois River. Journal of Applied Ecology 60(9): 1841-1853.


Erickson, RA, J Pierce, G Sandland, H Thompson, AA Coulter, D Glover. 2023. MetaIPM: Placing integral projection models into a metapopulation framework with application to freshwater fisheries management. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14(9): 2243-2249.


Evans, HS†, AA Coulter, AL Johnson, JT Lamer, GW Whitledge. 2023. Comparison of resource use by invasive Black Carp and native fishes using isotopic niche analysis reveals spatial variation in potential competition. Biological Invasions 25(7): 2249-2260.


Carlson TL†, L LaBrie†, J Wesner, S Chipps, AA Coulter, BJ Schall†. 2023. Receiver mount design, tag depth, and wind speed affect detection probability of acoustic telemetry tags in a Missouri River tributary. Animal Biotelemetry 11: 6.


Schoolmaster, D, AA Coulter, J Kallis, D Glover, J Dettmers, RA Erickson. 2022. Metapopulation models suggest diversity spatial strategies for control of Bighead Carp populations in the Illinois River. Ecosphere 13(12): e4331.


Coulter, DP, ZS Feiner, AA Coulter, MW Diebel. 2022. Using individual-based models to develop invasive species risk assessments by predicting species habitat suitability. Journal of Applied Ecology.


Coulter, AA, DP Coulter, CE Lark, M Fritts, C Davis, DC Glover, R Goforth. 2022. Sublethal effects of acoustic dummy tag implantation and external tags in Silver Carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.


Coulter, AA, A Prechtel†, RR Goforth. In press. Consistency of mobile or sedentary behaviors in an invasive fish. Biological Invasions.


Lenaerts, AW†, AA Coulter, KS Irons, JT Lamer. Examination of bigheaded carp ovaries indicates batch spawning. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.


Lenaerts, AW†, AA Coulter, KS Irons, JT Lamer. 2021. A quick method for estimating batch fecundity in bigheaded carp. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.


Erickson, RA, JL Kallis, AA Coulter, DP Coulter, R MacNamara, JT Lamer, WW Bouska, K Irons, LE Soloman, AJ Stump, MJ Weber, MK Brey, CJ Sullivan, GG Sass, JE Garvey, DC Glover. 2021. Demographic rate variability of bighead and silver carps along an invasion gradient. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.


Lenaerts, AW†, AA Coulter, KS Irons, JT Lamer. 2021. Plasticity in reproductive potential of bigheaded carp along an invasion front. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.


Bouska, WW, DC Glover, JT Trushenski, S Secchi, JE Garvey, R MacNamara, DP Coulter, AA Coulter, K Irons, A Wieland. 2020. Geographic-scale harvest program to promote invasivorism of bigheaded carps. Fishes 5: 29.


Coulter, AA, JT Lamer, MK Brey, GW Whitledge, JE Garvey. 2020. Early generation hybrids may drive expansion of an invasive population. Freshwater Biology 65: 716-730.


Coulter AA, SR Adams, MB Flinn, BM Burr, MR Whiles, RJ Sheehan, JE Garvey. 2019. Extended water-level drawdowns in dammed rivers enhance fish habitat: Environmental pool management in the Upper Mississippi River. Environmental Management 63: 124-135.


Coulter AA, HK Swanson, RR Goforth. 2019. Seasonal variation in resource overlap of invasive and native fishes revealed by stable isotopes. Biological Invasions 21: 315-321.


Tristano EP†, AA Coulter, T Newton, JE Garvey. 2019. Invasive silver carp may compete with unionid mussels for algae: First experimental evidence. Aquatic Conservation 29: 1749-1757.


Coulter DP, P Wang, AA Coulter, G Van Susteren, JJ Eichmiller, JE Garvey, PW Sorensen. 2019. Nonlinear relationship between Silver Carp density and their eDNA concentration in a large river. PLoS ONE 14: e0218823.


Coulter AA, MK Brey, M Lubejko†, J Kallis, DP Coulter, D Glover, G Whitledge, JE Garvey. 2018. Multistate models of bigheaded carps in the Illinois River reveal spatial dynamics of invasive species. Biological Invasions 20: 3255-3270.


Coulter DP, EP Tristano†, AA Coulter, JR Seibert, JE Garvey. 2018. Role of winter severity on juvenile Bighead Carp and Silver Carp growth and survival across latitudes. Biological Invasions 20: 3357-3371.


Prechtel AR*, AA Coulter, L Etchison, PR Jackson, RR Goforth. 2018. Range estimates and habitat use of invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix): evidence of sedentary and mobile individuals. Hydobiologia 805: 203-218.


Lubejko MV†, GW Whitledge, AA Coulter, MK Brey, DC Oliver, JE Garvey. 2017. Evaluating upstream passage and timing of approach by adult bigheaded carps at a gated dam on the Illinois River. River Research and Applications 33:1268-1278.


Coulter AA, D Schultz, E Tristano†, MK Brey, JE Garvey. 2017. Restoration versus invasive species: Bigheaded carps’ use of a rehabilitated backwater. River Research and Applications 33: 662-669.


Erickson R, C Rees, AA Coulter, C Merkes, SG McCalla, K Touzinsky, L Walleser, RR Goforth, JJ Amberg. 2016. Detecting the movement and spawning activity of bigheaded carps with environmental DNA. Molecular Ecology Resources 16: 957-965. [featured on cover]


Coulter AA, EJ Bailey, D Keller, RR Goforth. 2016. Invasive Silver Carp movement patterns in the predominantly free-flowing Wabash River (Indiana, USA). Biological Invasions 18: 471-485.


Coulter AA, D. Keller, EJ Bailey, RR Goforth. 2016. Predictors of bigheaded carp drifting egg density and spawning activity in an invaded, free-flowing river. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42: 83-89.


Lenaerts AW*, AA Coulter, ZS Feiner, RR Goforth. 2015. Egg size variability in an establishing population of invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844). Aquatic Invasions 10: 449-461.


Coulter AA, TL Galarowicz. 2014. Fish assemblage and environmental differences upstream and downstream of a cave: a potential reset mechanism. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97: 1-9.


Coulter AA, D Keller, JJ Amberg, EJ Bailey, RR Goforth. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity in the spawning traits of bigheaded carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) in novel ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 58: 1029-1037.


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